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Binge Drinking Alcohol, Blurred Vision, Enlarged Dilated Pupils And Flickering Lights In Vision

These impairments are caused by the weakening of the muscles in the eye. Having impaired eyesight in this way can also decrease your reaction time. If you are experiencing symptoms of alcohol withdrawal blurry vision, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. At Nao Medical, we offer comprehensive healthcare services, including urgent care, primary care, telehealth, and more. Book an appointment with us today to get the care and support you need to recover.

Your eyes might also get dry and irritated when you drink because alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes you need to urinate more frequently. And when you urinate frequently, your body (including your eyes) becomes dehydrated. Alcohol consumption impacts every function in the body, including vision. The lasting effects of alcohol on optical nerves, blood vessels, and brain-to-eye messaging can be referred to as “alcoholic eyes.” And conditions caused by alcoholic eyes can be short or long-lasting. Keep reading to learn more about how alcohol and eyesight are related and how to avoid complications from alcoholic eyes. The long term effects of excessive alcohol consumption can be devastating.

Alcohol and Eyesight Loss

At MedicineNet, we believe it is important to take charge of your health through measures such as a living healthy lifestyle, practicing preventative medicine, following a nutrition plan, and getting regular exercise. Understanding your symptoms and signs and educating yourself about health conditions are also a part of living your healthiest life. The links above will provide you with more detailed information on these medical conditions to help you inform yourself about the causes and available treatments for these conditions. Optic neuropathy can cause loss of vision (which will most likely be painless), decreased peripheral vision, and problems seeing colors. It is a more serious condition than some of the other effects described above. Ark Behavioral Health offers 100% confidential substance abuse assessment and treatment placement tailored to your individual needs.

After a number of years of heavy alcohol consumption, you might find yourself with decreased peripheral vision. Continued exposure to alcohol in your system can begin to affect the edge of your visual field, leaving you with tunnel vision. Losing your peripheral vision can make a number of day-to-day tasks complicated and dangerous, not to mention leaving you unsafe to drive. Drinking alcohol is a normal part of life for many British adults. While 20% of people surveyed by Drink Aware said that they didn’t drink at all, 57% of respondents had had at least one drink in the week leading up to being interviewed. People’s drinking habits can vary significantly, from binge-drinking once a week on a Saturday night out, to having a glass of wine in the evenings after a long day in the office.

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However, these changes will go away once the alcohol has cleared the system. When your body is dehydrated, your eyes may become dry and irritated, leading to vision changes. Alcohol tends to affect the speed at which your iris constricts and dilates. A driver that has been drinking alcohol cannot adapt as quickly to oncoming headlights.

blurry vision after drinking alcohol

This often occurs after a drinking session and is present for the time during which the body recovers from a large alcohol intake. However, drinking frequently over a long period of time can lead to the development of chronic dry eye, causing discomfort and blurry vision. This can also come with eye redness, another side effect of drinking too much. The blood vessels in your eyes expand, becoming more noticeable and also potentially leading to changes in blood pressure or eye pressure.

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